Sunday, August 21, 2011

things changed .

In life, we learn that ‘things changed’ and that it’s unavoidable no matter how much we desire it not to. And as we think about things changing, most of us find ourselves in some state of sadness, because there is always a part of our life that we wished was frozen in time… to forever remain as it is.

I mean, try to remember where you were one year ago from this moment that you are reading these very words. Maybe you were at school. Or maybe at work? Or even at a friend’s house, on vacation, or maybe out of pure coincidence you were in the very same spot that you are in right now. 

And now think about how much your world has changed from then till now. I’m sure you could not of anticipated it. I’m sure the amount of what has changed even has shocked you. How in one year, your world could be completely different from what it once was. 
People who once were in your life somehow manage to walk out of it as new one walked in to it. Even those important people who were the biggest part of life only left behind memories and casually come back into it to drop by and say “hi”. We realize as much as we care and love someone, sometimes we have to say “goodbye” to take different paths and to follow our dreams. And in this new path, you will meet new people who become your best friends and your reason to live.

The beliefs that once was instilled in us has gotten replaced by new ones. That each day, let alone one year, we experienced something new and learnt from them. Sometimes our beliefs are broken by depressing experiences, and sometimes it gotten stronger because life dictated it to be so. Maybe we believe in something completely new that we never even thought about before. 

And sometimes, even who we love changes. Sometimes the people who we were completely head over heels for, somehow managed leave, leaving you heart broken and losing faith in love all together. You may even be surprised how the person you loved so much managed to pull a disappearance act that would make the greatest magicians proud. And sometimes, the unexpected will happen as someone who randomly walks into your life, or even someone who you’ve know for so long, becomes the person your heart longs and beats for. 

And then look at yourself. Look at how much you have changed, not only by appearance and style, but as a person. That you manage to have gros so much that the person you remember one year ago is only a memory like everything else. That as your friends, family, beliefs, loves, and life changed, time managed to sneak up behind you and make you into a different person from who you once were as well. 

Things change. It’s a part of life just like breathing, eating, and sleeping. And the only thing we can do is enjoy and appreciate all that we have at this moment before it all changes. So years from now when we are looking back at everything and there will be no change left, we can smile that we took time that to make a great memories at every one of life’s twists and ‘changes’ as we grew up.

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