Monday, March 26, 2012

The one that got away --

On march 13,2012 .. i lost my beloved grandfather . The one i love the most -- *sigh* it takes me ages to learn accept the fact that i lost him. Since when i was in college, i always wondering what would i do if i lost one of my treasures ( atuk , nenek , ibu and , ayah ) ? i keep thinking and worried because i realised that they are grow older and i keep busy with my college life .. but my mind keep protest and said "NO" i wont lost one of them , i would never let them go . How can i survive my life without them ?? -- and suddenly, the thing that i keep worried about just happened.  Atuk left us without any sign, no one expect it. It just happened that quick and easy. I love you atuk , we all gonna miss you. Nenek , everyone still in shock actually . You will always be in my mind, moga atuk ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yang beriman . Al-Fatihah !